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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

Development in video technology for coaching - Sports Technology

Jun 25, 2008 ... With the advent of digital video and multimedia computers, coaching sessions with video replays have been greatly enhanced by computer software ...
Revisiting “Ghosts of the Garden”: Sport History, Modernizing ...

In the case of digital sport history, computer and Internet technologies have ... ment, as well as the Sport Management Program, I signed up for Staley's ...
Doing Sport History in the Digital Present

Sports, Society, and Technology Program ... disciplines: digital history, historical computing, and digital humanities. The tripartite.
Development in video technology for coaching

Centre for Biomechanics, National Sports Institute, Malaysia ... tegration of digital video and computer technology is that it.
Toward a Praxis of Critical Digital Sport History

The near simultaneous release of low- cost personal computers and the dramatic invest- ment in Internet technologies in the United States created “History's ...
MIT.nano Immersion Lab Gaming Program awards third annual ...

Apr 12, 2022 ... MIT.nano Immersion Lab Gaming Program awards third annual seed grants ... using XR technology for training could expand to other sports.
The Culture of Moving Dots: Toward a History of Counting and of ...

degree in sports analytics, combining study in math, statistics, and computer programming.22 digital technologies such as personal computers and the ...
MIT baseball coach uses sensors, motion capture technology to ...

May 26, 2021 ... The field of sports analytics is most known for assessing player and team performance during competition, but MIT Baseball's pitching coach, ...
3Q: T.L. Taylor on diversity in e-sports | MIT News | Massachusetts ...

Feb 15, 2018 ... AnyKey is tackling that with digital sports. Women actually play a lot of computer games. … But we still do have the hurdle of women feeling ...
Physical education teaching for saving energy in basketball sports ...

Jun 8, 2020 ... This trend means that physical education (PE) and sports sci... ... due to growing use of computer networks and digital technologies in PE.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Developing a mobile app that tracks and records sports statistics for individual players and teams.
  2. Designing and building a robotic soccer player that can move and shoot based on user commands.
  3. Creating a program that uses machine learning to predict the next move in a game of chess or other strategy game.
  4. Investigating the impact of digital technology on athlete performance and designing a training program that leverages technology to improve performance.
  1. Create a sports app that tracks a player's performance and provides personalized training recommendations based on their strengths and weaknesses in different areas.
  2. Develop a program that uses machine learning to predict which players are more likely to get injured during a game, based on their training history and current physical condition.
  3. Design a virtual reality (VR) training program for competitive athletes, allowing them to practice in a simulated environment that mimics real-world conditions, such as wind resistance and opponent movements.
  4. Create an interactive website or mobile app that teaches kids how to code by showing how programming concepts are used in fun sports-related games and challenges.