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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

Going unscripted: A call to critically engage storytelling methods and ...

Jan 18, 2017 ... Geography and the medical-health sciences have long histories of engaging ... became a means for thinking about health and wellness in small ...
Towards a more place‐sensitive nursing research: an invitation to ...

Dec 9, 2002 ... This, they argue, has moved medical geography from being a small and ill‐defined portion of human geography, to a higher profile, cutting‐edge ...
Diagnostic uncertainty and medical geography: what are we ...

Aug 19, 2005 ... Nonetheless, autopsies are becoming less common worldwide, and continue to present a multidimensional dilemma to the medical community—a respect ...
Cultivating an ethic of wellness in Geography - Mullings - 2016 - The ...

Jun 8, 2016 ... And although there is currently a deafening silence around issues of mental health and retention rates of students, the link is being made, ...
A Market and Spatial Perspective of Health Tourism Destinations ...

Sep 22, 2014 ... On the demand side, we can see the motivation background (it is getting better in medical tourism; it is prevention in wellness tourism), ...
Arguments in Health Geography: On Sub‐Disciplinary Progress ...

Jun 20, 2012 ... Abstract To introduce the sub-discipline of health geography and its ... narrative and metaphor (Kearns (1997), wellness and wellbeing ...
Writing place: a comparison of nursing research and health geography

Aug 10, 2006 ... Previously, in medical and health geography, place was considered to be primarily situational and, as Poland et al. (2005) describe, a 'locus or ...
Wellbeing, health and geography: A critical review and research ...

Jul 5, 2007 ... If its evaluation is to be based on a group of quantifiable indicators, these need to be complemented by study of the processes of social ...
Locating a geography of nursing: space, place and the progress of ...

Sep 11, 2003 ... Conversely, studies in medical/health geography have either ignored ... the dynamic between health/wellness and place (Kearns & Moon, 2002).
Going unscripted: A call to critically engage storytelling methods and ...

well-being. Creativity, humanities, human geography, and the medical-health sciences. Geographers are increasingly making and under-.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Geographical Climate Change on Human Health

    This project explores the impact of climate change on human health, with a focus on the geographical locations that are most affected. Through research and experimentation, students can learn about the link between climate change and the spread of diseases, access to clean water and air quality, and how different regions adapt to the changing climate.

  2. Healthy Eating and Exercise Habits for Medical Students

    Students can investigate the importance of healthy eating and exercise for aspiring medical professionals. By exploring current research and designing a study of their own, they can learn about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and how it can help them become better physicians.

  3. Technology in Medical Education: Virtual Reality for Medical Training

    Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular in medical education, allowing students to practice complex procedures and surgeries in a safe environment. This project explores the latest technology in virtual reality, how it is being used in medical training, and whether it is more effective than traditional methods of training.

  4. Environmental Impact on Health: The Effects of Air Pollution on Lung Function

    This project investigates the relationship between air pollution and lung function. Students can research the effects of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter on the respiratory system, and how geography and other environmental factors can exacerbate these effects. They can also explore strategies for mitigating the negative effects of air pollution on human health.