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BONE DISEASES OTHER THAN. OSTEOPOROSIS. Abstract Number: P028. Cervical spine vertebroplasty in patients with multiple myeloma.
Disease | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT Center for Integrative Synthetic Biology receives five-year NIH grant ... Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne illness that infects at least 50 million ...
Sixth Annual Sickle Cell Disease Research and Educational ...

1Vascular Biology center, Division of Hematology/Oncology, ... disease states (e.g. chronic inflammatory diseases), the RBc is.
Crissâ•'crossing autism spectrum disorder and adult neurogenesis

Aug 28, 2021 ... (2020). Role of Wnt signaling in adult hippocampal neu- rogenesis in health and disease. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental. Biology, 8, 860.
Criss‐crossing autism spectrum disorder and adult neurogenesis ...

Sep 3, 2021 ... Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comprises a group of ... such as karate (Bahrami et al., 2016), mixed-martial arts (Phung & Goldberg ...
Genetics of somatotype and physical fitness in children and ...

Jul 7, 2020 ... American Journal of Human Biology ... which is demonstrated by associations of somatotype with cardiovascular diseases (Katzmarzyk, Malina, ...
Abstracts of the MDS Virtual Congress 2021 - Movement Disorders

Sep 10, 2021 ... International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society ... A. Effects of Karate Fights on Achilles Tendon Stiffness Measured by Myotonometry ...
Genetics of somatotype and physical fitness in children and ...

Jul 7, 2020 ... Abstract Objectives To analyze the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the variation in somatotype, physical fitness, ...
Maps of beauty and disease: thoughts on genetics, confidentiality ...

serious genetic diseases and provided a detailed ... his eyes, or whether he practised karate or downhill ... given to biology within our culture.
Patterns of self‐management practices undertaken by cancer ...

Sep 29, 2014 ... The extent to which illness and disease intrude on a person's ... e.g. tennis, swimming, skiing, jogging; Martial arts, e.g. karate, kung-fu ...

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Investigating the effects of different karate techniques on cardiovascular health in individuals with certain medical conditions
  2. Analyzing the genetic factors that may contribute to increased risk of certain diseases and illnesses in certain populations
  3. Developing a new form of karate training that incorporates principles of biology and anatomy to optimize physical performance and reduce the risk of injury
  4. Exploring the use of plant-based medicine for treating common illnesses and diseases, drawing connections between traditional medicine and modern scientific research