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Reference Websites

Emergent biogeochemical risks from Arctic permafrost degradation ...

Sep 30, 2021 ... As Arctic landscape change increases with climate warming, tracking the ... anthropogenic chemicals, nuclear waste or other biogeochemical ...
Reservations about Toxic Waste: Native American Tribes ...

Mar 31, 2010 ... “In the quest to dispose of nuclear waste, the government and private ... them millions of dollars to host nuclear waste storage sites.”
Forty years of durability assessment of nuclear waste glass by ...

Dec 20, 2021 ... With the implementation of subsurface disposal for vitrified ... and changing aqueous chemistry as the barrier materials degrade.
Technical and social problems of nuclear waste - Ramana - 2018 ...

Feb 27, 2018 ... Nuclear Power > Climate and Environment; Nuclear Power > Economics ... challenges associated with radioactive waste management and disposal, ...
Research for the Safe Management of Nuclear Waste at ...

Feb 7, 2020 ... The safe management of high-level nuclear wastes, including their final ... dramatic changes in its chemical composition and microstructure.
Research for the Safe Management of Nuclear Waste at ...

Feb 7, 2020 ... The safe management of high-level nuclear wastes, including their ... of Nuclear Waste at Forschungszentrum Jülich: Materials Chemistry and ...
Open questions on the environmental chemistry of radionuclides ...

Nov 12, 2020 ... Understanding the biogeochemistry of radionuclides in the environment is essential for effective isolation of nuclear waste in repositories, ...
Glass alteration in atmospheric conditions: crossing perspectives ...

Aug 27, 2020 ... Glass alteration in atmospheric conditions: crossing perspectives from cultural heritage, glass industry, and nuclear waste management.
Effective environmental risk communication—Success stories or ...

Dec 26, 2014 ... Environmental risk managers often face the challenge of ... that environmental risk messages (on climate change and nuclear waste) conveyed ...
Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste - Scientific American

Jan 26, 2009 ... Despite long-standing public concern about the safety of nuclear energy, ... and could operate without contributing to climate change.

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