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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

How do income changes impact on mental health and wellbeing for ...

Triangulation across methodologies could help overcome the limitations and trade ... The effects of income and skill utilization on the underemployed's self ...
Social and Emotional Learning as a Public Health Approach to ...

Enhance Students' Development in the Area of Skill, Behavior, and Adjustment?" Psychology in. Schools 49 (2012): 892-909, doi: 10.1002/pits.21641. 5. J ...
Unpacking the social‐emotional health of education support ...

Dec 9, 2022 ... ... wellness, and academic progress—issues that the special education ... Skilled trades services (trades, crafts, and machine operators), 0, 2.0.
Work and health challenges of Indigenous people in Canada - The ...

... Skills and Employment Partnership programme and the Trades Access Programme. ... wellbeing and life beyond the workplace. However, Indigenous workers are not ...
Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 ...

Apr 30, 2020 ... For example, smokers exposed to more negative emotional health warnings experienced ... The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure. ( ...
The influence of evolutionary history on human health and disease ...

Jan 6, 2021 ... ... trade-offs between health and fitness. However, disease is not just ... The physiology of life history trade-offs in animals. Annu. Rev. Ecol ...
Mobile Work and Mental Health - A Preliminary Study of Fly-in Fly ...

Oct 1, 2021 ... ... health and wellbeing. Tradesskilled work learned through a structured program of on-the-job and, often, college training in a specialized ...
Playing to Win: Biological Imperatives, Self-Regulation, and Trade ...

... fitness such as skill, intelligence (d) and attractiveness (a surrogate for health (f), and reproductive fitness). ... Personnel Psychology, 52, 621-652. Kahneman ...
Careers in space – Health science experts | Canadian Space Agency

Feb 5, 2018 ... Biology,; immunology,; kinesiology,; life sciences,; medicine,; microbiology,; nutrition,; physiology,; psychology. Education requirements.
Locomotor play drives motor skill acquisition at the expense of ...

Aug 14, 2015 ... The developmental costs and benefits of early locomotor play are a puzzling topic in biology, psychology, and health sciences.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Design and build a solar-powered water heater for a Skilled Trades project. Explore different methods of harnessing solar energy and create a cost-effective and efficient water heating system.
  2. Create a health and wellness project by researching the effects of different exercise regimens on mental health. Conduct a study on how various forms of exercise impact stress levels, mood, and overall well-being.
  3. Investigate the psychology behind color perception and its effects on emotions. Create an experiment to study how different colors influence people's moods and behavior, and present your findings in a visually appealing project.
  4. Combine skilled trades and health/wellness by designing an ergonomic workspace that promotes physical health and productivity. Research the proper setup of desks, chairs, and equipment to reduce strain and improve overall well-being during work or studying.
  1. Create a virtual reality simulation to train individuals in skilled trades such as carpentry or electrical work.
  2. Investigate the effectiveness of different wellness techniques (e.g., meditation, yoga, aromatherapy) in reducing stress and improving overall mental health.
  3. Design and conduct a study to explore the psychological impact of color on human emotions and behavior.
  4. Develop a robotic prosthetic limb or exoskeleton to enhance mobility and improve the quality of life for individuals with physical disabilities.