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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

Use It and Lose It: The Outsize Effect of U.S. Consumption on the ...

Sep 14, 2012 ... It is well known that Americans consume far more natural resources and live much less sustainably than people from any other large country of ...
The relationship between sustainable development and resource ...

Nov 26, 2014 ... ... natural resources and labour force that these countries provide. ... In both instances, the space (geography) within which resources are ...

between two countries to the geographical location of natural- resource deposits vis-a`-vis the two countries' bilateral border. The reasoning is simple ...
Conflict, Geography, and Natural Resources: The Political Economy ...

Jan 26, 2009 ... countries as the basis for extracting resources from their subjects. I have previously identified interstate rivalry as a form of conflict ...
Natural resource dependence, policy and institutions for ...

Sep 28, 2023 ... Abstract In developing countries, particularly in Africa, dependence on natural resources poses a threat to development, leading to poor ...
The colonial roots of land inequality: geography, factor endowments ...

ing geographic conditions, natural resources, and production factors, in the ... designed to alienate, sell, and redistribute indigenous land resources varied con.
Prisoners of Geography

Poor nations usually bear the brunt of such emergencies: Ninety-six percent of all deaths from natural dis- asters occur in developing countries. The current ...
Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of ...

Countries with natural resource exports ... Indeed, viewed over the span of the past hundred years, it is only quite recently that resource-poor countries have ...
The Geography of Civil War

Natural resources located closer to a country's capital should be easier for ... 6 If all countries were circles and if physical geographical factors were ...
Diamond Wars? Conflict Diamonds and Geographies of Resource ...

especially in poor countries, and with respect to ethnic conflicts and to the ... Geopolitics 9(1): 1-28. -. 2005a. Fuelling war: Natural resources and armed con.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

Here's an HTML ordered list of 4 STEM fair project ideas related to Geography, Natural Resources, and countries:
  1. Investigate the impacts of deforestation on a specific country's natural resources and its subsequent effect on its biodiversity and climate patterns.
  2. Explore the relationship between a country's geography and its renewable energy potential. Analyze factors such as solar irradiance, wind patterns, and hydroelectric possibilities to determine the most suitable renewable energy sources for a particular nation.
  3. Study the effects of climate change on a specific country's agricultural practices. Evaluate how changing weather patterns impact crop productivity, irrigation requirements, and the overall sustainability of farming methods.
  4. Investigate the availability and sustainable management of freshwater resources in a particular country. Analyze factors such as population growth, water consumption patterns, and natural water sources to propose innovative solutions for water conservation and management.
Note: Make sure to conduct further research and refine these project ideas to suit your specific interests and requirements.