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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

Arts on prescription for community‐dwelling older people with a ...

Oct 21, 2018 ... There is limited peer-reviewed research on the benefits of Arts on Prescription for older people with diverse health and wellness needs.
The art and nature of health: a study of therapeutic practice in ...

Feb 21, 2018 ... Data reveals ideological similarities, but practical differences, between museological and medical understandings of wellness. Extending a ' ...
How art is helping N.W.T. teens learn about drugs, alcohol and ...

Feb 21, 2020 ... "These aren't easy conversations to have," said Alana Kronstal, manager of social marketing for the N.W.T.'s Department of Health and Social ...

INFUSING HEALTH AND WELLNESS. INTO THE MUSIC CURRICULUM. Deborah L. Pierce. University of Washington [email protected]. Musicians, like athletes ...
Going unscripted: A call to critically engage storytelling methods and ...

Jan 18, 2017 ... Geography and the medical-health sciences have long histories of ... a way to learn about the connections between art, creativity, wellness, ...
A Prisoner's Dilemma with Asymmetrical Payoffs:

Mar 30, 2023 ... As negotiators concerned with the health and wellness of artists, scientists and doctors need to engage artists in a process whereby learn- ing ...
Art, music, story: The evaluation of a person‐centred arts in health ...

Jan 24, 2018 ... The importance of arts for health and wellness, ... health care, nurses can effectively both support and learn from the arts health worker.
The OpenMind::OpenArt Project | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute ...

Mar 15, 2017 ... An MIT art studio and public gallery is raising awareness about mental health and wellness.
Arts on prescription for community‐dwelling older people with a ...

Oct 21, 2018 ... The Arts on Prescription model is one vehicle by which participatory art can be ... older people with a range of health and wellness needs.
Promoting Musical Health, Enhancing, Musical Performance ...

needs to forget about head voice and learn to ... health professionals, need to commit them- ... The Art of Practicing:A Guide to Making Music from the.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Art: How does color impact mood and productivity in a workspace?
  2. Health and wellness: How does different lighting affect sleep quality and duration?
  3. I want to learn about history: Investigating the use of vaccine technology in past pandemics and its impact on public health
  4. I want to learn about science: Exploring the effectiveness of different natural remedies and supplements for common ailments such as headaches or allergies