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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

Estimation of Intensity of Land Use from Ethnobiology: Applied to the ...

plants. Fishing apparently provided more food than did hunt- ing; this seems ... Indian Agriculture, pp. 187, 189, 190, 200, 201. Cattail, tule (Typha ...
Early Research on Insect Pests in the Russian Empire: Bureaucracy ...

Sep 21, 2014 ... Abstract This paper examines the early history of agricultural entomology in the Russian empire in the decades before Russian universities ...
Frederick Charles Bawden. 1908-1972

of Agriculture Fisheries and Food by the Agricultural Advisory Council: ... London: Churchill. b The transmission of plant viruses by insects. In Biological ...
John Malcolm Hirst, D. S. C. 20 April 1921-30 December 1997

interest in the wider field of aerobiology. Potato tuber diseases. The early ... Bank in Washington and the Food and Agricultural Organization in Rome. He ...
Viewing Subject: Biological Sciences - JSTOR

164 Journals in JSTOR, Date Range. Advances in Economic Botany, 1984 - 2014. Ambio, 1972 - 2019. Ambio Special Report, 1972 - 1979. The American Biology ...
Native Americans and the Environment: A Survey of Twentieth ...

They ritually prepared the animals they killed, the agricultural fields they tended, and the vegetal and mineral materials they processed. They used song ...
School Gardens in Ireland, 1901-24

Mary Forrest: Department of Crop Science, Horticulture and Forestry, Agriculture and Food Science ... aiding and developing agriculture, fisheries and other ...
New Push to Bring US Biological Collections to the World's Online ...

the US Department of Agri culture's Agricultural Research. Ser vice (ARS) in Beltsville, Maryland,. Shannon Dominick, scientific col lections coordinator of the ...
Conversazione to Mark the 300th Anniversary of the Publication of ...

orchards at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food's National Fruit ... to recreate the Tuberosum group from Andigena potatoes. One of the most ...
General Program. Meeting of Biological Societies. Indiana University ...

Aug 24, 2014 ... Plant Pathology in Biology and Agriculture." G. C.. KENT, presiding ... and utilization of potatoes, and the promotion of the potato industry in ...

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Biological effects of different types of music on the growth and development of plants
  2. Investigating the impact of different fertilizers on potato yield and quality
  3. Exploring the use of insects as a sustainable source of protein in food production
  4. Evaluating the effectiveness of various pest control methods on fisheries and agriculture
  1. Create a biological study investigating the effects of different types of music on the growth of potato plants.
  2. Design an agricultural project that explores the use of insects as natural pest control in potato farming.
  3. Investigate the impact of various types of music on the behavior and growth of fish in aquaculture settings.
  4. Develop a project focusing on sustainable farming practices for potato cultivation, assessing their effects on biodiversity and food production.