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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

A digital technology‐based introductory biology course designed for ...

Jun 28, 2018 ... As the incorporation of Avida-ED is integral to the course's design, a description of the digital evolution program and research on the benefits ...
A digital technology‐based introductory biology course designed for ...

Jun 28, 2018 ... The design of this one-semester course, “Integrative Biology: From DNA to Populations,” including its incorporation of a digital evolution lab, ...
Programming Escherichia coli to function as a digital display ...

Mar 5, 2020 ... Synthetic genetic circuits offer the potential to wield computational control over biology, but their complexity is limited by the accuracy ...
Social–biological information technology: An integrated conceptual ...

Sep 7, 2007 ... Abstract A model is proposed that is motivated by the growing theoretical importance of the affective domain in information science (IS) and ...
Reprogramming Biology - Scientific American

Jun 6, 2006 ... Tinkering with our genetic programs will extend longevity ... Now that biology is becoming an information technology, it is subject to what ...
Programming cellular function | Nature Chemical Biology

The process of cellular engineering is rapidly accelerating owing to advances in technologies to manipulate DNA and other biomolecules, giving rise to the ...
Programming cell-free biosensors with DNA strand displacement ...

Feb 17, 2022 ... Peer review information. Nature Chemical Biology thanks Jerome Bonnet and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer ...
How digital twins of human cells are accelerating drug discovery

Designed to reshape drug discovery and drug repositioning, systems biology company DeepLife has created a data-driven technology platform that creates ...
Reprogramming Biology - Scientific American

Jul 1, 2006 ... Tinkering with our genetic programs will extend longevity ... As an information technology, biology is subject to what I call the "law of ...
A global lab for teaching and practicing synthetic biology | MIT News ...

Jan 18, 2023 ... Diagram envisioning synthetic biology distance learning. ... metaphorical linkages to digital fabrication, but were mapped to biology.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Using Digital Technology and Programming, create a mobile app that tracks a person's daily nutrient intake and suggests meals based on their dietary needs and preferences.
  2. Create a Biology experiment that investigates the effects of different types of fertilizer on plant growth and determine which fertilizer results in the healthiest plants.
  3. Develop a Programming project that uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to diagnose medical conditions based on patient symptoms and medical history.
  4. Create a Biology project that explores the effects of different types of music on the heart rate and blood pressure of study participants.
  1. Creating a mobile app for identifying plant species based on user-inputted data (Biology, Digital Technology, Programming)
  2. Investigating the effects of different types of soil on plant growth and development using sensors and data analysis (Biology, Digital Technology)
  3. Developing a machine learning algorithm for predicting disease outbreaks based on environmental and demographic factors (Biology, Digital Technology, Programming)
  4. Designing and building a model prosthetic limb using 3D printing technology and studying its impact on the user's mobility (Biology, Digital Technology)