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Let's Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music ...

Mar 20, 2013 ... New research clarifies why music and exercise make such a good team, ... is not as simple as queuing up a series of fast, high-energy songs.
Creative technology and rap - CH'IEN - 2011 - World Englishes ...

Feb 20, 2011 ... Rap demands controlled energy, but has surrendered to technology. If the song's structure could not be created by human powers, ...
At the Crossroads: Rap Music and Its African Nexus

By the late 1980s, scholars who were specifically intrigued by rap music ... giving them "an energy, a motivating dream" (George 1988:147) and fos-.
Akintoye is your new favourite rapper. He'd rather be at home

May 6, 2023 ... ... at least when it comes to his music. In the roughly three years since he hopped on the platform his high-energy rap has earned him fans ...
Aspiring hip-hop musician wants to inspire Indigenous youth with ...

Jan 18, 2020 ... An aspiring rapper named 2sockZ says his music draws on both his ... Now, Alec says he's sober, and pouring his energy into hip hop.
Rap Music and Its Violent Progeny: America's Culture of Violence in ...

considers rap music as a creative expression and metaphorical offspring of ... (1960s-1980s) and John Coltrane (1950s-early 1960s) reflected the energy and ...
Black Nationalism and Rap Music

must be an element of that popular energy which is entirely called ... Rap music has had a profound impact on the African American.
Get on the Mic: Recording Studios as Symbolic Spaces in Rap Music

Mar 27, 2014 ... In rap music, a single verse generally consists of 16 lines of rhymed ... type of presence or a dead energy when you approaching the music.
Rhythm, rhyme and reason: hip hop expressivity as political discourse

attention to how hip hop music is charaderised by phatic, rhetoric, affecti ... political expression with energy, emotion, drama and rhythmic punch. It also.
At Rolling Loud, Canadian rappers fighting for radio play and stage ...

Sep 14, 2022 ... Smiley performs at the Rolling Loud music festival in Toronto on Sept. 10, 2022 ... Toronto rapper Smiley's welcoming energy precedes him.

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Investigating the Effects of Music on the Brain's Energy Efficiency
  2. Developing a Clean Energy System for Concert Venues to Reduce Carbon Footprints
  3. Creating a Rap Song to Educate Youth on Renewable Energy Sources
  4. Exploring the Physics Behind the Acoustics of Music and How it Impacts Energy Consumption in Recording Studios