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STEM Project Research

Reference Websites

Music Can Heal the Brain - Scientific American

Mar 1, 2015 ... Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative condition, accounts for ... When listening to music, she can bang her leg in time with the beat.
The effects of music listening on somatic symptoms and stress ...

Dec 15, 2021 ... For some individuals, e.g., persons with somatic symptom disorder (SSD) or a depressive disorder, such symptoms may persist over months or years ...
Inability to enjoy music recognized as a brain condition | CBC News

Mar 10, 2014 ... Some people just can't enjoy listening to music. The condition ... Biology. People with the condition have no trouble perceiving or identifying ...
The rediscovered motor-related area 55b emerges as a core hub of ...

Oct 18, 2022 ... Recruitment of the motor system during music listening: an ALE meta-analysis of fMRI data. ... Communications Biology thanks Ramesh ...
Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization ...

Jun 16, 2022 ... ... music-related traits as well as shared underlying biology with other health traits. ... Recruitment of the motor system during music listening: an ...

Jun 15, 1989 ... of some illnesses may lie in the enhancement of the immune system response. Dillon and Minchoff (1985) reported that significant enhancement of ...
How scientists say a hit song is like an infectious disease | CBC News

Sep 23, 2021 ... ... listen to it more and download it, and then you become infected meaning that you're actively listening to that song and promoting it to ...
Regular rhythmic primes improve sentence repetition in children ...

Jul 10, 2023 ... Developmental language disorder (DLD) affects ~3–7% of the population and involves delayed and disordered language comprehension and/or ...
Dietary, Lifestyle, Medical, and Stress‐Relief Choices in Promoting ...

Apr 1, 2012 ... Behavioral modification is an important part of preventative medicine & management of chronic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, ...
Evaluating the Effects of Music on Dyspnea During Exercise in ...

Jul 10, 2012 ... ... listening to music (experimental condition). The order of exposure ... Lung Biology in Health & Disease, Volume 36. New Rok, NY: Marcel ...

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. The effects of different genres of music on heart rate and blood pressure in individuals with cardiovascular disease
  2. The impact of music therapy on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with chronic illness
  3. The role of genetics in susceptibility to certain diseases and illnesses
  4. Investigating the effectiveness of natural compounds derived from plants in treating common infections or diseases
  1. Investigating the effects of music on heart rate variability in individuals with cardiovascular disease.
  2. Exploring the impact of different genres of music on the growth and development of plants.
  3. Analyzing the role of music therapy in reducing stress and anxiety among cancer patients.
  4. Investigating the relationship between music exposure and cognitive functioning in individuals with Alzheimer's disease.