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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) | Learn Science at Scitable

Some benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture are increased crop ... rules so they can make informed selections when choosing which items to purchase.
The development of ancient Chinese agricultural and water ...

Jul 9, 2019 ... Agriculture is the primary food source for our society (Conway, 1987). ... Other agricultural activities, including fisheries, ...
Prof. DY Solandt

Engineer-Captain Edgar C. Smith, O.B.E., R.N. ... that they have lost something very precious. ... Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Dr.
Potential impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries ...

Jul 5, 2022 ... Climate change is expected to profoundly affect key food production sectors, including fisheries and agriculture. However, the potential ...

Service, Ministry of ,Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ;. Prof. J. L. M. Morrison, professor of ... engineering research, Department of Scientific and.
Review of the sustainability of food systems and transition using the ...

Oct 9, 2018 ... Such sustainable development (in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors) conserves land, water, plant and animal genetic resources, ...
The future of food from the sea | Nature

Aug 19, 2020 ... Of nearly 400 fish stocks around the world that have been monitored since the 1970s by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), ...
PO2/TransformON, an ontology for data integration on food, feed ...

4 days ago ... The objective was to build the ontology by re-engineering ... horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, food preparation and ...
Capital mobility and knowledge diffusion from China into Ghana's ...

Feb 1, 2021 ... Chinese investments into Ghana's agricultural sector are found in ... from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and Fisheries Commission, ...
Synthetic biology 2020–2030: six commercially-available products ...

Dec 11, 2020 ... Synthetic biology will transform how we grow food, what we eat, ... Early research struggled to design cells and physically build DNA with ...

AI-Generated Project Ideas

  1. Designing and building an automated irrigation system for a small-scale agricultural project
  2. Creating a hydroponic farming system to study the effects of different nutrient solutions on plant growth
  3. Developing a solar-powered water desalination system for sustainable freshwater production in coastal areas
  4. Constructing a prototype wind turbine to generate clean energy for a rural community
  1. Designing a vertical farming system using engineering principles to optimize space utilization and crop yield.
  2. Investigating the effects of different irrigation techniques on crop growth and water conservation in agriculture.
  3. Constructing a simple hydroponic system to study the feasibility of growing crops without soil for urban farming.
  4. Building a wind turbine using basic engineering concepts to generate electricity for sustainable energy production.